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Key Features

Built to withstand the harshest racing environments
The LITEceiver was designed to help drivers stay safe and aware of exactly what is happening on track at all times. 

Ultimately it's about visual communication, everyone gets the same flag at the same time, no excuses

Smoother racing, fewer incidents and more track time. 

Curved to fit a standard roll bar with grooves for zip ties built in. 
We offer two different mounts that allow you to snap it in place for easy install and removal.
Extremely bright LEDs, perfect for outdoor environments. 
LITEceiver can be dimmed down for in car use or night races at the touch of a button.
8 to 12 hours of battery life in regular use. The LITEceiver can easily last all weekend and can be powered with USB for longer events. 
5 secure encrypted channels allow for multiple events to be run at the same time. Built in long range radio for challenging environments. 

Wireless In-Car Flagging

Instant Flags let you race to the limit and beyond with confidence! 

Instant Flags

Save yourself and your investment by knowing exactly what is happening at all times! 

Improves Safety

There may be trouble ahead but in-car flagging gives you the advanced warning you need! 

Professional Solutions

Lucas, SCDRA and many other professional racing bodies put their trust in our products and so can you. 

Flags set from Race Control are received immediately and shown on ALL LITEceivers.

Mounting and Use

The LITEceiver keeps it simple, it can be mounted in seconds. Just turn it on and you're ready to go racing! 

Simple and Rugged

The LITEceiver was designed for the harshest environments possible, it even floats! 

Racing Flags

Green, Yellow, White, Red and Checkered Flags


In the Box

  • LITEceiverMainGreen_b00e77a0-8a39-46d7-a718-b89187fcdcbe


  • PowerPlug_39549469-f0d5-4d88-9777-04c8e95edd1b

    USB Charging Cable

  • EZFlat_53c3913f-beac-478b-87be-69eb4c2dad59

    Optional Flat Mount

  • EZCurved_68edfb4e-dff0-4bcc-9910-04fd1788d28d

    Optional Curved Mount

Let’s Answer Your Questions

*Requires race control system to be active, check with your racing league.

This device is an enhancement to and not intended as a replacement of actual human flagging or other existing warning systems. 

What the benefits of a LITEceiver?

Simple - You get instant notification of race flags in your car. Save yourself and your investment. 

What flags can I see?

Green, Yellow, White, Red and Checkered Flags - Instantly

How does it mount?

The standard LITEceiver has provisions for zip ties and it's curved to mount to a rollbar. If you want to remove it without cutting zip ties each time we have 2 mount options.

How does it work?

The LITEceiver is radio based, when the tower or a corner worker presses a flag button every LITEceiver within range instantly gets the flag!

Is it secure?

Yes, the LITEceiver has four highly encrypted channels and allows you to run multiple events at once. 

Who is in control?

The tower and or the corner workers. They have a unique control box that is not available to the public.